Quite sometime ago, while I was still in Barcelona preparing my to-do-before-I-go list (following the wise advise of my friend Sy.) I remember having left one thing out. One thing I had really missed and would have liked to do, if not before leaving Barcelona, at least before joining the Greek Army. That was to go to a big concert, get lost in the anonymous crowd, smell the collective sweat of thousands of people, and enjoy music in a way that would remind me that deep inside we can still be kids every now and then.
Then I left Barcelona and I came back to Greece and a number of sad events reminded me that instead of being a kid I am painfully growing older. And then I was summoned to the Army where I have to present myself next Monday and the clock started ticking again, counting down to yet another series of goodbyes. Suddenly, last Saturday, my sister came to me holding a ticket for a Depeche Mode concert and it looked like the chance had appeared and that I would finally be able to check my to-do list thingy of going to a big concert. They are not so good right now and their last three albums are rather bad but they have once been one of my favourite bands, I saw them once some eight years ago and I remembered having had great fun back then. Plus I was going with my little sister with whom we have been getting closer and closer lately (having gone through some rough times together) and her friends are really funny and the weather was perfect so everything looked like it was going to be great fun.
Before we knew, it was Tuesday night and we were some thirty kilometers away from Athens, in the middle of a nowhere-to-be-found park, us and twenty five thousand more people and I was buying everybody beer, so happy that I was there and having almost forgotten that I am growing old, almost ready to be a kid again and start jumping all around. And then a blond lady came on the stage and a guy with a strong Essex-accent let us know the gig was being cancelled due to “a sudden illness of Dave” (DM’s singer and notorious ex drug addict). And whatever it was, I think I didn’t really care, I was just so let down, that our “mode” had gone from “Depeche” to “Depress”, I was so sad that my little sister was sad and I was so depressed to realize I was suddenly growing old again.
Then we took the long walk towards the car and to the one-hour drive back home, cursing our bad luck. At some point of the way I took a brief moment and tried to enjoy the silence. It sucked.
Take some thick literature book with you next Monday. You may not find the time or mood to read, but it is better to have one around than not.
ReplyDeleteTake care
Χι, χι!
ReplyDeleteΕκείνη την ημέρα εγώ πέρασα δις έξω από το Terra Wibe πηγαίνοντας κάτι σαν εκδρομή (σε άλλο μέρος). Είδα λοιπόν τον κόσμο να πηγαίνει χαρούμενος, τις καντίνες, τα στάντς με τα μπλουζάκια κ.λπ.. Το βράδυ τους είδα να επιστρέφουν.
Αν ήξερα ότι ήσασταν και εσείς θα σας αναζητούσα!...
Μην ανησυχείς που νιώθεις "γέρος". Στο στρατό - γενικά - τους σέβονται τους "παπούδες". Δες το σαν αβαντάζ. Αν μάλιστα την νύχτα, προ της κατακλίσεως μπορούσες να βγάλεις κάποια τεχνητή οδοντοστοιχία, ούτε που θα τολμούσε να σου μιλήσει κανένας λοχίας, ακόμα κι αν γκρέμιζες το στρατόπεδο... :-))