One would think of a very solid way to define absence. Someone is missing. There is now a void occupying the physical space that was sometime filled by that someone. There are however innumerable ways for this void to make its existence painfully explicit. Absence, is in this sense, radically different than loss.
No matter how prepared one may be, how incredibly, rationally acquainted with the loss of a beloved person, no matter how bravely he has confronted that loss, or how gracefully he has been avoiding that confrontation, he can never escape being startled by the painful absence that stems from it. And as it usually happens with things related to the beyond, this afflictive awe assumes the most unexpected shapes and sizes.
In my case absence was turning to face an empty chair last night. Ironically at a moment of joy, right after the end of a stressful but rewarding basketball final. It was the moment I would usually stand up from my usual spot on the couch to turn towards the dining table and my father's chair to cheerfully hi-five him and start a series of pointless -but vainly reassuring- congratulations on how good our team has once more proven to be. It was then, facing at an empty chair that the whole reassuring feeling was suddenly gone, the void rutlhessly stood in front of me and I realized how a basketball victory had reduced to so little.
It's times like these when you realize that life is a game you can only hope losing with style.
Χριστόφορε, μακάρι να είχα τα κουράγια να πω ότι η ζωή είναι ισοπαλία: Όσο χάνεις καθώς πεθαίνεις, τόσο έχεις κερδίσει καθώς γενιέσαι, αν το βλέπουμε σαν έναν αγώνα.
ReplyDeleteΟπωσδήποτε, σε ότι αφορά τους προγόνους μας και τους συντρόφους μας λυπόμαστε αφόρητα όταν "φεύγουν". Άραγε θα μπορούσαμε - όσο ζουν - να χαρούμε αφόρητα που γεννήθηκαν;
Υποθέτω ότι, καλώς εχόντων των πραγμάτων, η γονεϊκή παρουσία είναι η πιο δεδομένη για τον (νέο) άνθρωπο. Έτσι μόνο να λυπηθεί μπορεί, όταν αυτή γίνει απουσία.
Εύχομαι να είσαι γερός, να είσαι καλά, να καθήσεις εσύ σε λίγο καιρό στην καρέκλα και κάποτε, μετά από πολλά πολλά χρόνια, να μπορέσουν τα παιδιά σου να λυπηθούν όταν αδειάσει πάλι.
Αυτός είναι ο μεγαλύτερος κύκλος ισότητας που ξέρω.
Δίκιο έχεις, "ανθρώπινη κομωδία" μου θυμίζει αυτό. Αν δεν ήταν τόσο ευάλωτες οι καρέκλες θα γελούσαν μαζί μας...
Θανάσης Τ.