since the "circus" will apparently stick around for a few weeks more, I am posting this as a reminder, more to myself than anyone else...
Soon barcabios will transform into athensbios (and then probably to wherever life -and the Greek army- takes me). It will be hard to take off after three years in this wonderful city, but on leaving and the inevitable feelings this will bring about I shall talk when the time is ripe.
for the time, this is to remind me that I am here and well, ready to start posting about stuff that I like (sometimes) or that annoy me (mostly).
So stick around. I am not through with it yet.
Pity to read about you leaving the city, but happy for you going back to Athens(well, not so much about going to the obnoxious greek military service).
ReplyDeleteI´ll miss your very particular vision of the daily city life (I guess the rest of the elements of the blog will be present in WhereverBios).
What a coincidence the very same day we meet personally, it is somehow the farewell too. Nice to have met you.
Anyway, don´t let the military service (or anything else) change you and good luck.
Bon viatge per als guerrers
si al seu poble són fidels,
el velam del seu vaixell
afavoreixi el Déu dels vents,
i malgrat llur vell combat
l'amor ompli el seu cos generós,
trobin els camins dels vells anhels,
plens de ventures, plens de coneixences.
(Ll. Llach, Viatge a Itaca, translation on request or wherever)
to ggil:
ReplyDeletethanks (again) for your kind words!
and for the nice surprise to reveal your real identity. From previous comments of yours I had guessed you must have resided somewhere in the premises of our "institution".
It is a pleasure to count on you among the -very limited- readership of this blog.
And -once more- thank you for these wonderful verses.