Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A world gone crazy

All right it is December and I am walking around in my T-shirt! Whatever people may tell me, this cannot be normal, not for this hemisphere at least. Global warming is a fact and there are multiple proofs besides my sweat.

You see, from a proper point of view -proper to the proper people that is- everything is as normal as usually. The sun keeps shining over their heads even in December, maybe even during the evening. The perpetual antitheses of the city could not be making more sense to them. Almost homeless lonely people are there to feed the pidgeons, pidgeons are there to fly over the heads of the almost lonely homeless people sleeping on the benches. Over there a streetcleaner is throwing up, disgusted from the smell of the alley, two blocks away a hooker gets nauseous from the memories of last night. Or maybe it's the other way round. But the sun is still shining and unless you are an ever-wining, over-reacting, so-lazy-that-looks-all-around-instead-of-rushing-to-work kind of guy, everything is business as usual.

In the meanwhile, hundred-year-old dictators refuse to die, or death refuses to have anything to do with them and in Hong-Kong some hot-shot NOKIA executives talk about cellphones that will be able to capture smells. They may be missing the point here, ever since there's only music so that's there are new ringtones. Odours may be a bit more difficult to download but hey! we 'll make n-th generation computers to do that. In the meanwhile, hookers will still throw up on the streets of Barcelona, but the worst thing is that they will still be willing to die crossing the Atlantic all the way from Senegal to the Canary islands just to have the right to vomit somewhere in the Barrio Gotico. And in the exact same meanwhile, new dictators will spring up to take the place of the old-vampired ones in Fiji, Afghanistan or wherever else our "democracy exports" have not yet reached, this democracy that will presumably come from above like sacred rain, although it should be rising up from below, but then again, it's too darn hot to be thinking about such complicated things.

The world has gone crazy and it makes no sense. We have faster cars but spend more time going anyplace than actually being there, we have super-fast computers but somehow manage to work more than our fathers, we spent our days and nights reading crap (like this one) on the internet but have no time to read a book, we are healthier and wealthier than our parents, we 're sure to live longer than them but still pop up more Prozac that are kids swallow M & Ms. While the sun's still shining, migrating birds have no idea which way to go to and I am afraid neither do we.

Even time has gone crazy. It looks as if it's running backwards all the way to the times, when people were beeing persecuted because of what they would think, read or draw, we talk more religion than politics, we have slaves of a new kind but with the same, old colours. It feels as if we're back in the times of Shakespeare when "the rain it raineth everyday", only unfortunately Shakespeare is nowhere to be found and neither is the rain. It's only a matter of persistence of this madness until the clock makes the whole turn backwards, then we are back in the ice age, and then perhaps things cool down a bit.

After all maybe then, the absolute necessity of humankind for smell-capturing cellphones is not that absolute anymore.


  1. Hi Christophoros. Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

    You mention the well-known phrase "the rain raineth."

    A few weeks ago I wrote two stories about the origin of that expression that may interest you.

    See The World's First Multi-National e-Book: http://www.bdb.co.za/shackle/articles/rain_raineth.htm and

    Best wishes, Eric.

  2. Hi Eric,
    thanks for your contribution. I read your articles, and although they may seem dealing with something insignificant to the most, I enjoyed reading them. I was aware of Festae's song in the Twelfth Night and the phrase came to my mind this way but it's always good to track the history of a single word. Thanks again!
